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  • Sunday, June 02, 2024
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Mr. President; beware of Buhari’s failures!

Local and foreign leaders no longer say ‘this great nation, Nigeria’ because they are not dream great nation is down and off the radar.

Great nations did great things that impacted humanity whereby they held sway for a while but Nigeria never got started as such.

Still, Great Nigeria is possible and everything needed is on hand. Africa’s most populous nation needs to rise and adorn the badge of honour or she slips deeper into the mud.

President Muhammadu Buhari asked Nigerians to join hands with him for the task of birthing the dream Nigeria and some citizens responded.

Mack Ogbamosa, Esq and I published ‘Paradigm shift imperative on corruption’ (The Guardian, October 19, 2015) urging he packs old ways that failed over and over and consider innovative steps instead. We offered options but the president stuck to the old ways with inevitable results…

Great nations did great things and Nigeria can’t be an exception. Poverty rules Nigeria, drives corruption, bad economy and insecurity thus making it the starting point for resolution. Settle mass poverty and Nigeria will start to rise while increasing poverty worsens all else.

The All Progressives Alliance (APC) was putting its house together in 2014 when Prince Tony Momoh, a former minister of Information and Culture and the party’s board member invited Alhaji Lai Mohammed to his office. Purpose. That I brief the visitor on empowering Nigerians and the nations and set free dormant abilities making it Nigeria’s first global enterprise!

At the end, Mr Mohammed expressed amazement and delight but noted that the APC’s economic think tank was working on turning Nigeria around, fast. I stated that ending poverty is basic, notwithstanding.

December 2018, Prince Momoh wrote former Vice President Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, soliciting support for the project. A reply in January 2019 said it was being looked into. After twenty months, Prince Momoh wrote the VP again and advised he sets up a small team to get the project details but no response came.

Driven by mechanisation, the First industrial revolution was powered by commodity money. The Second ran on automation and Gold standard while computerization and Fiat money drove the Third. Thus each industrial age had its own tool and money system.

The Fourth industrial revolution running on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being fueled by Fiat money. Old currency and new technology are as old wine in new wineskin! An AI economy needs artificial income. I spent over twelve years developing the new economy’s currency algorithm.

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu promised following his predecessor’s styles. Indeed President Buhari made poverty, insecurity, the economy, the currency and corruption worse than he met. His cannot be the way to follow.

President Tinubu should approve setting the team Prince Momoh advised to see if the idea has merits.

The president’s chief economist, a chieftain of the APC, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the Labour Party (LP) and a member of the National Economic Council, a youth with strong ICT background and a female (my nominee) should do. All together, seven Nigerians!

The greatest assets of nations are the citizens but if they are poor and helpless, they turn into liabilities. And no nation can sustain, subsidize or substitute poverty and survive.

The democratization of education, communications and information changed the world with making obvious necessities available, accessible, affordable and safe. Money is necessary, hence demands same treatment!

Nigeria’s gift to humanity, democratization of money is the ultimate game changer!

Poverty, a deficiency afflicting over a billion people is no respecter of race, age, education, religion or gender. It only bows to money so that the problem and the solution are one: money!

At the one day event, I will expand the narrative, take questions and unveil the algorithm behind scientific making money: the vaccine for poverty!

To turn Nigeria from world’s poverty capital to global financial hub looks impossible but is feasible. It is about uploading the new world economy’s currency: digital and inclusive.

Nigeria is critically ill. A dehydrated and anaemic patient too weak to stand needs urgent transfusion of water, glucose and blood; not prayers, platitudes and sympathy!

One month of new rulers, the naira, poverty and hardships have deepened. Nigerian masses having suffered extensively need help; not added pains, stresses.

Read also: Tinubu’s reforms seen moving economic outlook back to stable

At the recent Paris talk-shop, Ghana’s President Nana Akufo said Western and developed economies aids have not worked nor ever will. Were Nigeria serious on leading the black race, this message should have come from us. Nigeria’s salvation and ascent lie with us and will never come from outside.

Turn Nigeria around and impact the world are key and deliverable. Just as regular blood flow keeps body healthy, consistent empowering citizens will start healing peoples and take beggars off the streets.

The PDP and the LP joining is necessary. For serious matters, Americans would say bipartisan but we are three!

A journalist and author, Anyamele wrote from Lagos. Email: anokwururich@gmail.com

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