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  • Monday, June 03, 2024
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Formula for 2020

Every person desires a shift to the next level but it is not everyone that will get it. Success does not come by wishing but by proceeding to act. Every faith has a script for success and for things to change. Christians rely on Judges (20:14-18) on this matter. Those other adherents who may not find their in their books can join Christians to read Judges. There, A Israelite went to the Benjamite tribe with his concubine and after some days of merriment with the woman’s father, he set to return but the woman was captured and raped to death by wild humans in that tribe. Out of frustration, the man cut up the woman’s flesh into the number of tribes (12) and shared her parts round. This provoked anger and the 11 tribes demanded the handover of the Benjamite offenders to be slaughtered to avenge the death. The Benjamites refused and accepted the option of a war against the 11. They presented 26,700 fighters, 700 of them being the best archers in the land.

The other tribes contributed 400,000 fighters but went to inquire of the Lord if they should go to war against their brothers. The Lord permitted them thrice, but twice they lost the battle.

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A man of God, James Okeaba, w versed teacher and doctorate degree hopeful, who thrilled the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Redemption Model Hall Area Parish in Elelenwo, Port Harcourt, this Sunday, 22 December 2019, said the fact that people with 400,000 soldiers against 26,700 still saw the need to inquire of the Lord, to consult, to ask questions, shows that it is compulsory for a Christian to consult widely before setting out on any major project.

The next point is that you must prepare for discouraging factors on any mission or project execution. So, the loss of 22 fighters on day one and 18,000 on day two show that discouragement is part of the test or part of any venture. It is what you do that matters.

This is a big discouragement. It means even if your plan is good or God approved of it, things must show up to discourage you, to test you. It’s up to you to build a support system around you. Who encourages you? Find internal and external encouraging forces. Learn to encourage yourself, too. Then, attract God’s encouragement through deep prayers. Discard (red card) all those whose roll in your life is to encourage you. Find where you stand on things. She would be a great encourager.

The third factor is to be consistent. Levels will change if you keep pressing at your plan.  Listen, don’t ever get offended by God for anything or because He has not done what you wanted or what He promised you. Keep praying, according to great teacher and motivator.

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The fourth is to get a strategy; a winning strategy. The 11 tribes inquired of the Lord, got the nod to go to war, but until they devised a strategy, they kept failing. Battles are won by strategy, on the drawing board. Ahitophel was the best adviser to David, but Ahitophel decamped to Absalom’s side. David prayed that his counsel is turned foolish but did not stop there. He sent his best friend, Hushai, the second in command in advice, to decamp along and go and counter whatever counsel Ahitophel would give. Hushai did so by providing alternative counsel to Absalom and Ahitophel went and hung himself. Many do not know why. He realised that by rejecting a sound counsel, his team would lose and King David would return to power and would execute him. He acted in advance. They lost the war and David returned to power. The rest is history.

Finally, be action-oriented: Plan and act. Action blesses people. The result comes from actions. Take a step. Place a demand. Life is for those who place a demand on it.

Conclusion: So, develop a project or mission for 2020. Plan it very well, make all consultations needed and seek the face of the Lord over it, if truly you are a Christian. Then develop a winning strategy, get encouraging people that share in your vision. Get enough steam inside to encourage you in case external encouragement does not come. Pray fervently for God to encourage you, too. Then take the step. Remain consistent and prayerful all the way. Success will surely shock you, and your next level is already waiting for you.

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