• Thursday, June 13, 2024
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Norrenberger supports retirees’ plan for financial security

Norrenberger, an integrated financial services Group has empowered individuals nearing retirement and retirees for a financially-secured future post-retirement.

The event, specifically designed for individuals aged 50 years and above, provided valuable insights and practical strategies for a secure retirement.

The seminar held in Abuja featured a robust financial literacy session covering key segments such as financial planning, insurance, lifestyle adjustment, legal and estate planning.

Attendees had the opportunity to engage Norrenberger’s subject matter experts on various themes in retirement planning and also explored other areas with respect to the profitability of their pension savings.

Hamisu Bala Idris, MD, Norrenberger Pensions Limited shared his perspective on the event stating, “In line with our mission to unlock opportunities in the society, we established this event to embolden individuals with the necessary knowledge to maximize the profitability of their pension savings and ultimately secure a comfortable retirement.”

“Eighty per cent of Nigerian retirees depend solely on their monthly pension for survival, many of whom live in constant fear of financial crisis based on delayed payments. This highlights the crucial role pension plays in their livelihoods. Moreso, only 10 per cent of the Nigerian population has access to pension schemes.”

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Abigail Utomi, business head, Asset Management, expressed her enthusiasm about the initiative and its multiple benefits to the attendees and the wider society. She emphasized the critical role events of this nature play in piloting financial literacy and security for senior citizens in Nigeria and positively impacting the country’s capital market and economy. “We continue to seek ways to deepen the market, grow our reach and expand our contribution to Nigeria’s GDP,” she said.

At Norrenberger, we are passionate about guiding individuals throughout their journey to financial freedom, even after they transition from the workforce. Our vision remains to simplify wealth creation, creating practical and easily accessible products and services to achieve this, and we are confident in our ability to deliver on our promise.

Founded in 2017, Norrenberger is a financial services group that provides bespoke financial solutions that add value to our individual and institutional clients. With a team of experienced professionals, Norrenberger offers a comprehensive range of services, including asset management, private equity, development finance, investment banking, insurance, pensions, securities trading, fintech and digital banking. We are guided by our mission to positively unlock the opportunities in society for our clients and stakeholders.

By 2025, we hope to have delivered at least one financial solution to every household, the Company said.

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