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Dreaming of Ways to Understand You

Tales of Love, Laughter, and Urban Life: A Review of Jerry Chiemeke’s Dreaming of Ways to Understand You

Author: Jerry Chiemeke

Year of Publication: 2020

Number of Pages: 187

Category: Short Stories

Jerry Chiemeke’s “Dreaming of Ways to Understand You” presents a captivating and smoothly flowing narrative, making it especially appealing to romantic story enthusiasts due to its romantic title. Despite the initial suggestion of a connection to self-help or relationship guides, the book pleasantly surprises by firmly establishing itself in the world of fiction.

Comprising fifteen short stories with imaginative titles, the collection is intentionally designed for a concise yet enjoyable reading experience. From the beginning, the author provides glimpses into his personality, revealing an inclination toward eccentricity and a fondness for dark themes such as violence and murder. There is also a clear attraction to eerie and chilling tales.

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Exploring themes of love, loss, violence, and the surreal, the compilation primarily delves into relationships, particularly those between men and women. The book’s strength lies in its ability to evoke a range of emotions, including excitement, fear, laughter, and sadness.

The narrative appears to be a vibrant collection of stories set in Lagos, with the author incorporating narratives from other cities across Nigeria. By including stories from different parts of the country, the author provides a comprehensive view, highlighting the unique traits and peculiarities of those regions.

Chiemeke combines humor and authenticity to depict the genuine nature of experiences, creating a relatable narrative for those who have shared similar environments.

Certain narratives prompt reflective thoughts, while others, like ‘City on a Fast Forward’ and ‘Confetti,’ bring amusement and genuine laughter. The presence of amusing, annoying, and endearing characters contributes to a nuanced portrayal of the human experience, showcasing a diverse array of personalities encountered in bustling urban settings.

At times, the narrative deviates from fiction, adopting a tone that feels authentic, almost like a memoir, leading to suspicions that the author might be recounting personal experiences. Some tales may astonish readers due to explicit language and unapologetic detailing of intimate scenes, making them less suitable for a teenage audience.

The author subtly discloses his musical preferences in the book, allowing readers to deduce and understand his taste. Additionally, the author employs various writing styles across his stories.

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While Chiemeke proves to be an exceptional writer, effortlessly captivating readers with a narrative conducive to a seamless one-sitting reading experience, there is room for improvement in the visual appeal of his book cover. Despite any reservations about short story collections, this one is likely to be an enjoyable exception.

About the reviewer

Titilade Oyemade is a business executive in a leading organisation and holds a degree in Russian Language. She’s the convener of the Hangoutwithtee Ladies Event and the publisher of Hangoutwithtee magazine. She spends her weekends attending women conferences, events and book readings. She loves to have fun and to help other women have the same in their lives. Email: titi.oyemade@gmail.com Social: @tiipreeofficial

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