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  • Sunday, June 02, 2024
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A Necessary Read for Creatives – A Review of Yinka Obebe’s Move: Let’s Go to Lagos

Book Title: Move: Let’s go to Lagos
Author: Yinka Obebe
Year of Publication: 2020
Number of Pages: 207
Category: Autobiography

Nothing makes a person uncomfortable and scared than the thought of moving into unfamiliar territory. Many are confused and overwhelmed when embarking on a journey that forces them to try new things. Although, it is said that once you do, your life will start to change in ways you could never have imagined. Yinka Obebe, author of Move: Let’s go to Lagos knows a thing or two about waving goodbye to your comfort zone because it’s happening right now in his life.

Within the pages of his book, Obebe has assembled inspiring and practical advice from his experiences on how to turn a crazy idea and turn into an awesome reality. He has offered this advice in the hopes that you will leave your comfort zone and take a risk.

Obebe opened up about numerous topics in his book— He jumps back and forth among his childhood, his college days, his passion for music, moving to Lagos, working in the TV industry, sleeping on the floor of his office, his sudden rise to fame, leaving his job, returning home, selling his personal properties, dreaming new dreams, feuds he had with his outrageous landlord and the steps his wife took to support his dream of building a great business. This book consists of 40 very entertaining, yet heartfelt chapters and his stories will engage you the whole way through, and make you laugh and sad.

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Obebe attributes a lot of his right choices to his father. Obebe made it clear that his father’s constant support and care have taken him very far. The scenes describing the close relationships with his father figures, are finely written. Who knows what might have happened to Obebe had he not had his dad, pastor and other great men in his life.
Obebe has had lots of doubts: about whether he should stay in Lagos or return home to his parents during his tough times, about leaving his job, starting his own thing, relocating an office etc. Obebe has shown readers in his book what it means to be courageous in difficult circumstances.

He talks about creating an image in your mind first and the images that you often visualize affect your life, whether you are aware of this or not. If you’ve ever visualized a negative situation, difficulty or problem and thought, “I knew something bad was going to happen” this chapter Demanding the life you want will make it all make sense—and likely make you want to change your thoughts, your visuals and change your life.

The book explains why Obebe decided to write his story especially after being discouraged by friends. And he uses the book to explain the benefits from sharing your story of struggle. But what would he have us learn? That when we share our stories, it helps other people realize that they are not alone, that others have been in similar predicaments and made it out alive. Move: Let’s go to Lagos is genuine in some places but a bit preachy in others.

He is unapologetically blunt in his book, dramatic, holds nothing back and a risk taker. This has happened countless times with him with clients losing deals because of how people perceive him. But in the end, he is 40 and successful. Founder of a TV channel, a loving husband and superhero father. He is not yet quite satisfied, still looking forward to what life will bring.
Reading Move: Let’s go to Lagos, will provide all the honesty and the attitude you need to bring your creative business vision to life. So, what are you waiting for?

About the reviewer
Titilade Oyemade is a business executive in a leading organisation and holds a degree in Russian Language. She’s the convener of the Hangoutwithtee Ladies Event and the publisher of Hangoutwithtee magazine. She spends her weekends attending women conferences, events and book readings. She loves to have fun and to help other women have the same in their lives. Email: titi.oyemade@gmail.com Social: @tiipree

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