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Many people die because they are clueless on lifestyle changes they should make – Onyema

Elizabeth Onyema is an advanced clinical weight loss expert. An ambitious health and lifestyle entrepreneur, Onyema has dedicated her professional life to helping individuals achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle across the globe. She is a graduate of the University of Benin and a Certified Advanced Clinical Weight Loss Specialist from the London Health Sciences Academy.
In her seven-year career, she has been pivotal to the health journey of over 2000 clients. She has worked with Nigerians and Non-Nigerians across the United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Kenya and the Caribbean.

In this interview with IFEOMA OKEKE, she speaks on the best healthy methods people can adopt in a bid to lose weight and lifestyle changes they should make to improve their life quality, amongst others.

Why the passion for health and lifestyle changes and at what point in your life did you start showing interest in these?
I was an overweight child growing up and became aware of the need to care for my body at the age of 8. Obviously, I knew nothing, but I would pay keen attention to articles and conversations on what one should eat to lose weight, portion control and all. I made mistakes though because I became an ulcer patient as a child; trying to starve my way to weight loss. Lol. Fast forward to seven and a half years ago, I was not only obese but prediabetic and had a disturbing case of sleep apnea. Both conditions are side effects of Obesity. Thankfully, I have been able to control my weight and prediabetic status and no longer have the sleep apnea condition. I know there are so many people out there suffering as a result of their food and lifestyle choices, and a good number who are dying and are already dead because they are clueless on lifestyle changes they should make to improve their life quality. This is what drives me. This is what fuels my passion; the need to inform people, to save lives and promote a healthy lifestyle for this generation and the ones to come.

Tell us about LizzWeightWatchers and Hearty Foodie?
So LizzWeightWatchers is a Clinical Weight Loss and Healthy Lifestyle outfit. LizzWeightWatchers gave birth to Hearty Foodie; an outfit that provides healthy heart-friendly foods for people. Hearty Foodies focus is providing nutrient-rich foods that are free from food additives.

Tell us some of your success stories in your desire to help individuals achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle across the globe?
Oh so many. I have lost count. There are 3 aspects to a lifestyle change. Nutrition, Exercise and Behavioural Therapy. Of all 3, the last is perhaps the most important and it is my main focus because our habits over time become our behaviours. And for one to have a lifestyle change, he has to be able to change his mindset. This is where I thrive. I have been able to change people’s attitudes for good. These people meet me, work with me, lose weight and are able to control their weight for life. These people come with other obesity-related issues, get better and are taken off their diabetic, hypertensive, irritable bowel syndrome medications. This is my greatest achievement!
As an advanced clinical weight loss specialist, what are common habits in Nigeria and across the world that make people add weight and become obese?
First, people underestimate the role of food in our overall well being. What you eat can make or mar you. We see food as a means to enjoy ourselves, for satisfaction, emotional solace and all. This is wrong! Food is meant to energise you and yet, give you nutrients. But people do not even know why they should eat. So they eat for everything and nothing.

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A situation whereby obesity is genetic, how best can it be managed?
Obesity can be controlled. Some cases can lead to genetic obesity such as the Prader Willi Syndrome; a syndrome that children are born with that encourages Obesity. There are other conditions like this that should require clinical intervention.
Yet be it a genetic case or a self-made situation, when you apply the right approach, you will make progress. Another aspect we must look at too is consistency. When one embarks on an intervention procedure, he must be consistent on a daily basis to yield good results. So the right diet, eaten in the right portions and physical activity will definitely control Obesity.

In your seven-year career, you have been pivotal to the health journey of over 2000 clients. How were you able to achieve this?
Thankfully, the world is now a global village. So certain apps have been pivotal to the success of my business. I communicate with my clients via Whatsapp, Zoom, and Google meet. Presently, I will be adding a coaching platform where people can buy my courses and apply them on a daily.

In teaching nutrition, activity and behavioural therapy as a key factor in tackling obesity and other metabolic diseases, what would you recommend as best nutrition and activities for an overweight person?
Focusing on a diet easily accessible to your local environment is key. Ensure you eat all the major macronutrients, very important because you get micronutrients from these foods as well. Walking remains my go-to. People tend to look down on walking but it is very effective. I lost over 30kgs walking one or two hours daily for eight months; with a change on my diet as well. Another mistake people make overtime as well as the belief that to lose weight you have to eat less and move even less, this is wrong. Rather, you should eat more and move even more! If you don’t like walking then engage in any physical activity that you enjoy! You must move though..!

What are some early signs to show that someone may be overweight in the future and how best do they avoid it early enough?
Early signs, well, a child who is bigger than her peers will definitely get bigger over time as was my case growing up.
Other signs may not be clear-cut because of the ways in which the human body stores fat.

How do you teach people from various races and countries and yet have some time for yourself and your family?
Haaaaa, this is tough but the passion I have for my job makes things easier. I pace myself. Write notes ahead of time, do a daily review with my clients meaning, I hear from them daily and make corrections daily too. My family supports and understands the love I have for my job. Thankfully my kids are not so little anymore. They help around the house and are able to coordinate themselves. It has gotten easier by the day.
Who are your role models and do they in any way influence your career as a person?
I will say Dr Nowzaradan of “My 600lbs Life”. His passion, push and commitment towards his clients’ success is something I have admired for so long.

In the next ten years, where do you see LizzWeightWatchers?
LizzWeightWatchers will be a game-changer in the health and wellness industry in the next 10years, God willing. I will strive to make this happen

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