Title: Tolu’s Adventures on the Streets of Lagos
Author: Ramlat Abisola Owokoniran
Year of Publication: 2022
Number of Pages: 62
Category: Children’s Book
The first thing you notice in Ramlat Abisola Owokoniran’s book Tolu’s Adventures on the Streets of Lagos is the length of the stories. This could either excite a child or serve as a distraction. Nevertheless, few children’s books focus on the city of Lagos, making this one a valuable resource for teaching children about the city.
The author guides readers on a journey through the chaos of Lagos, which she aptly calls adventures. If you’re patient enough, you’ll reach the end alongside her. Unlike most children’s books, the 14 stories in this book cannot be read in a single sitting. However, the captivating narratives keep readers engaged throughout, revealing the book’s informative nature.
While the chapter titles suggest that each chapter contains a different story, all the stories are centered on the characters introduced in the first chapter. They are interconnected and intertwined, creating a cohesive narrative. The familiar and relatable characters make it easy for young readers to see themselves in the story. The author describes some of the silly mistakes children make, helping readers realize that they are not alone in their errors, as these are common experiences shared by other kids as well.
The stories in this book may seem exaggerated to children not born in Lagos, Nigeria, but those familiar with the environment will smile as they read, recognizing the authenticity and charm of the experiences described. The infusion of Yoruba language in her stories makes this book not only enjoyable but also an excellent tool for enhancing language learning, enriching the narrative and providing readers with an immersive cultural experience.
Readers might start to feel stressed as they accompany the author on this journey, encountering plenty of trouble along the way. As the story unfolds, you may find yourself imagining the challenges faced by the main character and developing a deep sense of empathy for her. As the main character in the book keeps a diary, it might inspire young readers to start their own diaries, documenting their adventures and anything else that interests them. This can encourage creativity and self-expression. The main character is observant and pays close attention to her environment, making her a role model that readers might want to emulate.
Amidst the chaos of Lagos depicted in the stories, the author subtly embeds valuable lessons, rewarding attentive readers. Additionally, the presence of stories within stories in some chapters will delight those who have a deep love for storytelling. Some of the stories are hilarious, while others are sad, and some leave a lasting message in the hearts of the readers. The writing is not that simple to read, but it offers kids a chance to learn new words and expand their vocabulary. After reading one of the author’s long stories, readers might take a long break before moving on to the next due to the story’s length.
For future work, the author could enhance the experience with more illustrations, as the current balance leans heavily toward text, which might bore some young readers. Using larger fonts and considering a series format, where each chapter could be expanded into its own book, could also make the stories more engaging and accessible for children.
Tolu’s Adventures on the Streets of Lagos is suitable not only for children but also for young adults, offering a captivating and educational glimpse into life in Lagos.
About the reviewer
Titilade Oyemade is a business executive in a leading organisation and holds a degree in Russian Language. She’s the convener of the Hangoutwithtee Ladies Event and the publisher of Hangoutwithtee magazine. She spends her weekends attending women conferences, events and book readings. She loves to have fun and to help other women have the same in their lives. Email: [email protected] Social: @tiipreeofficial